Space Phoenix
Space payload delivery, simplified - Third Party Logistics for Space
Our Vision:
A vibrant and easily utilized Low Earth Orbit for anyone
Our Mission:
Rapid delivery and return of cargo agnostic payloads at dramatically lower investment, launch, and operational costs
The Problem: the Needs of the LEO Ecosystem Are Not Being Met
Lack of readily accessible payload delivery and return offerings
Current options are very costly, and limited in scope and scale
Forced vertical integration is forcing companies to spend investment unnecessarily
Current industry is restricted and ripe for disruption
Market Opportunity is massive
Current Payload-to-Space Operations Model
High expenses and a "one-and-done" model is holding back the space industry.
Options for upgrades, repairs, and reuse are limited to launching more and more satellites.
The current payload-to-space process is
costly, inflexible, and limits innovation.
Stages of Payload-to-Space Value Chain
R&D, manufacturing and space qualification
Platform/Satellite Development
NRE, R&D, and manufacturing
and Launch
Facilities, labor and specialty equipment
Commissioning and Operations
Specialized staff and equipment
Challenges and Inefficiencies in the Current Model
Limited Access
Resource Diversion
Space Phoenix Systems Value Chain
Focuses on Payload/Technology Development and Innovation
Space Phoenix
Payload Integrated, Launch and Operations Managed
Returnable Payload on Demand (R/PoD)
2, 3, 4
Pay for what you use and what you need
Complexities and costs of satellite design, procurement, and integration are eliminated
Payloads are returned for further development, analysis, reuse, repair, upgrade, or recycling
Our Offering - Simplifying Space Payload Delivery
We are building the infrastructure that allows space to be rapidly
accessed and utilized
Selling the "wagons and shovels" of the new space gold rush
Reusable Spacecraft
Fully reusable, capable of multiple launches and re-entries
Cost per kilo dramatically lower than
current market options
High Operational Cadence
Compatible with any global launch system
Launch agreements across industry, moving at the speed of the market
Rapid Tactical Systems Integration
Quickly configurable to host diverse payloads
We move speed of the market to match unmet demand
New Revenue Model
e-Commerce model to deliver payloads - Returnable Payload on Demand (R/PoD)
Current industry standards are 18 - 24 months to launch, SPS plans on reducing this to under 6 months
Space Phoenix Systems Product Roadmap
From 2024 to 2028 onwards, focusing on building momentum and capability to extract maximum value out of
massive market opportunity.


Phoenix Payload
~10 kg tech & methodology demonstrators


Phoenix Hermes
~45-55 kg spacecraft
~10 - 15 kg cargo
~100 to 150 Watts


Phoenix Athena
~150 kg spacecraft
~100 kg cargo
~1.5 to 2.5 kW


Phoenix Zeus
~300 kg spacecraft
~200 kg cargo
~2.5 to 4 kW
Key Capabilities
Phoenix Payload
  • Rapid payload development, test and integration
  • Validating market demand and customer requirements
Phoenix Hermes
  • Basic power generation and storage
  • Passive thermal control
  • Single use simple ablative heat shield
Phoenix Athena
  • Small satellite power generation and high capacity storage
  • Passive and small scale active thermal control
  • Inflatable re-entry system
Phoenix Zeus
  • High power density generation and storage
  • Full scale active thermal control
  • Fully reusable active re-entry system
Phoenix Payload

Mission Conops

Expected Results



1 - Launch on New Shepard

2 - Crystallization of liquid copper sulphate solution in microgravity

3 - Recovery of payload from New Shepard

Total mission development and operations cost:


Crystalized copper sulphate which can be studied and compared a terrestrial sample to see the effects of crystal growth in microgravity

July 2024 - Project start

February 2025 - Flight model testing

March 2025 - Launch and recovery

April 2025 - Payload studied and project finish

Phoenix Payload Concept of Operations:
  1. Phoenix Payload Missions focuses on hosting microgravity research payloads for in space manufacturing
  1. Validates our rapid integration model, showcasing our ability to quickly develop and launch
  1. Provides the foundation and technical springboard to develop Hermes Alpha
Phoenix Hermes

Mission Conops

Expected Results



1 - Launch and operate Hermes Alpha Mission 1

2 - Return, refurbish and resupply Hermes Alpha

3 - Launch and operate Hermes Alpha Mission 2

4 - Return Hermes Alpha within 100 days of first mission launch

Total prototype development and first mission cost:


Demonstration that Space Phoenix can design, build, test and operate our first free flying spacecraft and fly it again within 100 days

2025 - 2026 - Design, Build and Test Hermes Alpha

June 2026 - Mission 1 launch, operation and recovery

July 2026 - Refurbishment and upgrade of Hermes Alpha

August 2026 - Mission 2 launch, operation and recovery

Space Phoenix Systems Concept of Operations - Hermes Alpha:
  • The Hermes Alpha mission is our first free flying spacecraft with 10 kg of payload
  • Demonstrates rapid payload turnaround with two launches and recoveries within a 100 days
  • Sets the basis for multiple follow on Hermes series of spacecraft to provide an offering to the market of rapid flight and return of small payloads
What We Provide
Returnable Payload-on-Demand (R/PoD)
Market-defining concept
Evolution of the Democratization of Space
Rapid, inexpensive utilization of LEO
LEO Ecosystem Infrastructure
In-space manufacturing and telecommunications

Availability /

Improved ROI


Reusable spacecraft dramatically reduces costs: development, integration, and $ per kilo


Spacecraft are customized to meet mission requirements


R/PoD – focused on delivery of payloads at market speed. ~100 days or less

Rapid Development

Meet the team
Experienced team, "space people doing space"
Kendra L. Parlock
Co-founder and Advisor
Global leader focused on fund raising and innovation
Andrew J. Parlock
Co-founder and CEO
Recognized leader in the Global Space Industry
Recognized leader in spacecraft engineering and development
Mike Larkin
Respected C-level executive with 40+ years of experience in disruptive technology sectors.
Latest News
September 9th, 2024

Baltimore startup aims to be ‘FedEx for space,’ shipping cargo into orbit faster and cheaper

Space Phoenix plans to launch its first product next year and is actively raising capital.

Join the Journey
Join us as we create a vibrant and easily utilized
Low Earth Orbit for Everyone